class Database (View source)
Returns the Database instance
Connection, starts the connection on the DB
Get the connexion name
Get adapter connexion instance
Execute an UPDATE request
Execute a SELECT request
Executes a select query and returns a single record
Execute an insert query
Executes a request of type DROP | CREATE TABLE | TRUNCATE | ALTER Builder
Execute a delete request
Load the query builder factory on the table name
Starting the start of a transaction
Check if database execution is in the transaction
Validate a transaction
Cancel a transaction
Starting the start of a transaction wrapper on top of the callback
Retrieves the identifier of the last record.
static Database
configure(array $config)
Load configuration
static Database
Returns the Database instance
static Database|null
connection(string|null $name = null)
Connection, starts the connection on the DB
static string|null
Get the connexion name
static AbstractConnection|null
Get adapter connexion instance
static int
update(string $sql_statement, array $data = [])
Execute an UPDATE request
static mixed
select(string $sql_statement, array $data = [])
Execute a SELECT request
static mixed
selectOne(string $sql_statement, array $data = [])
Executes a select query and returns a single record
static int
insert(string $sql_statement, array $data = [])
Execute an insert query
static bool
statement(string $sql_statement)
Executes a request of type DROP | CREATE TABLE | TRUNCATE | ALTER Builder
static int
delete(string $sql_statement, array $data = [])
Execute a delete request
static QueryBuilder
table(string $table)
Load the query builder factory on the table name
static void
Starting the start of a transaction
static bool
Check if database execution is in the transaction
static void
Validate a transaction
static void
Cancel a transaction
static mixed
transaction(callable $callback)
Starting the start of a transaction wrapper on top of the callback
static int|string|PDO
lastInsertId(string|null $name = null)
Retrieves the identifier of the last record.
static PDO
PDO, returns the instance of the connection.
static void
setPdo(PDO $pdo)
Modify the PDO instance
__call(string $method, array $arguments)